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Plastic-Free July - Tips and Tricks for Reducing Plastic Use

10 Jul 2024

Welcome to Plastic-Free July! This month, people all over the world are taking a stand against plastic pollution by making small, impactful changes in their daily lives. Ready to join the movement and make a difference?

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The story of Plastic-Free July

Plastic-Free July started in 2011 in Australia. It was initiated by the Plastic Free Foundation, founded by Rebecca Prince-Ruiz and a small team in local government in Western Australia. The movement began as a local initiative and has since grown into a global campaign, inspiring millions of people worldwide to reduce their plastic consumption and make more sustainable choices.

Today, Plastic-Free July is one of the most influential environmental campaigns, encouraging individuals and communities to rethink their plastic use. Its success demonstrates the power of collective action in addressing global challenges, proving that small changes can lead to significant impacts. As more people join the movement each year, the vision of a world free from plastic waste becomes increasingly achievable.

Tips for reducing plastic use this July

Here are some fun and practical tips to help you reduce plastic use and live more sustainably.

Bring your own bags

One of the simplest ways to reduce plastic use is by bringing your own reusable bags when you go shopping. Keep a few in your car or near your front door so you don't forget them. This small habit can significantly reduce the number of single-use plastic bags you use.

Switch to reusable bottles and cups

Instead of buying bottled water or using disposable coffee cups, invest in a reusable water bottle and a thermal coffee tumbler. Our Hybrid Bottle, made from recycled steel, is an excellent choice for both hot and cold beverages. Not only will you reduce plastic waste, but you'll also save money in the long run.

Stainless Steel Bottle Hybrid Black
Reusable Water Bottle Red
Coffee Tumbler White

Choose plant-based phone cases

Your phone is with you every day, from morning alarms to late-night scrolling. Sadly, most phone cases out there are made from plastic, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We've got a better option – our plant-based phone cases, the ultimate eco-friendly accessory for your beloved device. These cases are made from sustainable materials that are tough, reliable and most importantly, biodegradable. That means when it’s time to say goodbye to your old case, it won’t stick around in a landfill for centuries. Instead, it returns to nature, just as it should.

But don’t think for a second that going green means sacrificing style. Our plant-based phone cases come in a variety of trendy designs and vibrant colours so next time you reach for your phone, take a moment to consider the case it’s in. Opt for a plant-based phone case and make your everyday routine a little greener. A small change with a big impact!

Color Splash Phone Case
Dusty Pink Phone Case
Golden Pink Plant-Based Phone Case

Pack a lunch with less plastic

Packing your lunch is a great way to save money and eat healthier, but it can also help you cut down on plastic use. Use glass or stainless steel containers instead of plastic ones, and wrap sandwiches in beeswax wraps instead of plastic wrap. Your lunch will be the envy of the break room.

Shop smart

When you're shopping, look for products with minimal or no plastic packaging. Opt for fresh produce, bulk items, and products in glass or cardboard containers. Supporting companies that prioritise sustainable packaging sends a powerful message to the market.

No more plastic straws

Plastic straws are so last year… or even last decade! If you haven't already, this July is the perfect time to ditch plastic straws for good. Choose reusable options like stainless steel, bamboo or glass. Each of these options is durable and stylish, making every sip a little more special.

Try wheat straws – they're biodegradable and add a rustic touch to your drink. Or go bold with edible straws made from rice or pasta. Glass straws offer a modern feel, while bamboo straws are quick, compostable alternatives.

Reusable Alternative to Plastic Straws - Wheat Straws
Wheat Straws in a Glass

Host a plastic-free picnic

Summer is the perfect time for picnics. This July, make your picnic plastic-free! Use reusable plates, utensils, and cups. Pack snacks in cloth bags or glass jars, and bring along a stylish picnic blanket. Not only will you reduce plastic waste, but you'll also have a beautiful, Instagram-worthy setup.

Plastic-free travel

July is usually a time for vacations, but travelling doesn't have to mean leaving a trail of plastic waste. Start by packing a reusable water bottle and a set of reusable utensils. Bring along a cloth tote bag for shopping and a reusable coffee cup for your caffeine fix. When booking accommodations, look for eco-friendly hotels that minimise plastic use. With these small changes, you can enjoy your adventures without contributing to plastic pollution.

Embrace minimalism

Adopting a minimalist lifestyle can naturally lead to less plastic consumption. Focus on buying only what you truly need and opt for high-quality, durable items that will last longer. This approach encourages a more thoughtful and intentional way of living. Minimalism can lead to greater satisfaction and less clutter, both physically and mentally. Less really can be more when it comes to living sustainably and mindfully.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

The triple threat to plastic waste: reduce, reuse, recycle. First, cut down on your plastic use - go for products that have little or no plastic packaging. Next, get a bit crafty and reuse items whenever you can. Turn old jars into cute storage containers, or always bring your own bags when you shop.

Finally, instead of throwing things away, collect materials like paper, glass, plastic, and metal, and send them to be processed into new products. Next time you’re done with that soda can or cereal box, toss it in the recycling bin and watch the transformation begin! It’s an easy way to make a big difference. With these three principles, you will drastically reduce your plastic footprint and do your part in making the planet a better place.

Recycling Glass at Home

Get creative

Think outside the box and find creative ways to reduce plastic in your life. Upcycle old items, make your own cleaning products, or start a community garden. Every little bit helps, and you'll have fun discovering new ways to live sustainably.

Reflect and plan ahead

As Plastic-Free July progresses, take time to reflect on your journey. What changes have been the easiest? Which habits have been the hardest to break? Use these insights to plan for the future. Set goals to continue reducing your plastic use beyond July and think about how you can incorporate sustainable practices into your daily routine permanently.

Corporate gifting for Plastic-Free July

Why not take Plastic-Free July into the workplace? Corporate gifting is a fantastic way to spread the message of sustainability and show that your company cares about the planet. Instead of the usual plastic-laden swag, opt for eco-friendly alternatives that make a statement.

When you buy from us, you don’t just get high-quality sustainable products. You’ll also know the exact carbon footprint of your purchase and have the option to climate compensate. Plus, we’ll donate to charity on your behalf, letting you know the positive impact you’ll make even before you place your order.

Our premium gift boxes are perfect for any occasion and can be packed with a variety of sustainable goodies. Stone paper notebooks, thermal bottles, and natural grass pens, all beautifully packaged with no plastic. These gifts help reduce plastic waste but also give back to charitable causes, making them even more special. We also offer customisable printing on all our products. This means you can add your company’s logo or a special message, making each gift truly unique.

Corporate Gift Box from agood company

Final thoughts

As July rolls on, keep experimenting with new ways to cut out plastic. Share your tips, celebrate your wins, and don't be afraid to laugh at the occasional mishap (we've all been there with the forgotten reusable bag!). Here's to a month of fewer plastics, more creativity, and a whole lot of fun. Let's make this Plastic-Free July the start of something amazing!

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