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agood Workshop - Near Perfect Products at a Lower Price

18 Oct 2024

Every product we create is made with care, aiming for the highest quality and the least environmental impact. However, not all products come out exactly as intended. Sometimes, a small imperfection occurs during the production process. In agood workshop, you will find items that are almost perfect, but not quite. Maybe the colour is a bit off, or there’s a tiny scratch. These products are 99% perfect, and they still work great. So instead of letting them go to waste, we give them a second chance in agood workshop where we offer them to you at a lower price.

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What is agood workshop?

agood workshop is a special section of our store where products that are 99% perfect are sold at reduced prices. These items may have slight imperfections - like a tiny scratch, a faint misalignment in design, or a subtle variation in colour. But here’s the thing: these imperfections are so minor that they are often not even noticeable. Especially with our wallets, the imperfections are so small that you probably wouldn’t notice them unless someone pointed them out.

So, instead of letting these items go to waste, we give them a second chance to be useful. And if they don’t sell? They go into agood loop™, our circular system, where we regrind and reuse them for future products. This ensures that nothing goes to waste and helps us keep moving towards a fully circular economy.

A closer look at the wallet case

The imperfections on these b-grade wallet phone cases are so minor that you wouldn't even notice them during regular use. There is a small mark inside the wallet, right behind where your phone sits. This mark doesn’t affect the outside look of the case, nor does it impact its functionality. In fact, it’s practically invisible once your phone is in place. These slight imperfections that no one will see, don’t affect the product’s overall value, meaning you are getting a great deal while making a positive environmental impact.

Scratch On Wallet Phone Case Black
Sustainable Wallet Phone Case With a Clasp

Why imperfections deserve a second chance

We live in a world where everything has to be perfect, but aiming for perfection often creates a lot of unnecessary waste. When companies throw away products just because they don't meet extremely high cosmetic standards and have small cosmetic flaws, it adds to landfill waste and harms the environment. We believe these almost-perfect products deserve a second chance.

By offering them in agood workshop, we are cutting down on waste and encouraging more sustainable shopping. It’s a small but important step toward rethinking how we buy things. Imperfections don’t make a product worthless - they actually give it a bit of character and a unique story.

Why shopping at agood workshop is good for you and the planet

When you shop at agood workshop, you are saving money. We offer them at a lower price because these items have minor imperfections. The phone wallet case with a clasp is priced well below its original cost, making it an affordable option for anyone looking for a high-quality phone case. More importantly, by choosing to buy from agood workshop, you’re helping us reduce waste and promote sustainability. This helps us move closer to our goal of creating zero waste.

phone wallet case

The environmental impact of choosing "second chances"

Every time you purchase a near-perfect item, you are preventing it from being wasted and reducing the need for new resources. Manufacturing new products consumes raw materials, energy, and water, all of which have a carbon footprint. When you choose products that are already made, you help reduce the need for more production and contribute to the sustainability movement.

This simple choice helps conserve resources and keeps materials in circulation for longer. It's a small step, but when many people take it, the environmental impact is significant. You know, shopping sustainably is a responsibility we can all share.

Our B-grade phone wallet case is part of agood loop™

Our commitment to sustainability doesn't end when a product is sold. If any of the items in agood workshop don't sell, they don’t go to waste. Instead, they enter our agood loop™ system, where we regrind and reuse the materials to create new products. This circular system is at the heart of our mission to reduce waste and ensure that no material is ever wasted. When you buy a phone wallet case (or any product) from agood workshop, you are also contributing to this closed-loop system. You are helping to keep valuable materials in circulation and reducing the demand for new resources.

agood loop system

Expanding the concept

We are starting with our phone wallet cases with clasps. But this is just the beginning. As we continue to develop and grow this concept, we will be expanding agood workshop to include a wider range of products. From phone cases to stone paper notebooks and beyond, we will offer more near-perfect items at discounted prices, all while continuing to promote sustainability. Right now, our wallets are available at special prices, so it’s a great time to pick one up.

Keep an eye on agood workshop for new additions, and take advantage of the great deals on offer!

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