Travel Journal for Your Trips - Tips and Tricks

Travel Journal for Your Trips - Tips and Tricks

23 Jul 2024

Every trip you take is a unique adventure, filled with special moments and unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re exploring bustling cities, serene countryside, or exotic locales, each journey offers a chance to discover new things about yourself and the world around you. Keeping a travel journal can transform these fleeting experiences into lasting memories. As you turn the pages of your journal, you can relive the conversations you had, the sights you saw, and the moments that shifted your perspective. It also serves as a handy tool for organising your thoughts and plans before and during your trip, ensuring you feel prepared and ready for whatever comes your way.

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What is a travel journal?

A travel journal is a dedicated space where you can capture the essence of your trips, including the lessons you learned and the experiences you had. It serves as a collection of adventures, stories, memories, and discoveries, no matter where you're going or who you're travelling with. Whether you choose a traditional notebook or an online platform, a travel journal can accompany you anywhere, becoming a cherished companion on your journeys.

There are various types of travel journals, each with its own unique style, and you can even combine them. For instance, a straightforward factual journal involves noting down the places you visited, the food you tasted, and the activities you did. Storytelling journals take this further by adding vivid descriptions and personal anecdotes. Envelope journaling involves collecting mementoes like ticket stubs and postcards, while scrapbook journaling combines these keepsakes with photos and creative touches. Sketchbook journaling is perfect for those who love to draw, capturing scenes and moments through sketches. Each style offers a unique way to document and reflect on your travels.

What is a travel journal?

Why should you keep a travel journal?

The benefits of maintaining a travel journal extend beyond simply recording your adventures. It helps you stay organised, improves your brainstorming and creativity, and sharpens your writing skills. Jotting down your thoughts can also reduce stress, making your travel experience more enjoyable. By setting travel goals and documenting your progress, a travel journal can help you achieve what you set out to do. It also enhances your memory, allowing you to vividly recall your travels long after they’ve ended. Ultimately, your journal becomes a cherished souvenir, a personal reflection of your journeys that you can look back on and relive whenever you like.

What do you need to start a travel journal?

The essentials for starting a travel journal depend on the type of journal you wish to create. A simple factual journal might only require a notebook and a pen, while a scrapbook or envelope journal might need more supplies. Selecting the right notebook is key: you can choose from sturdy hardcover notebooks, flexible softcover ones, compact pocket notebooks, or traditional journals, depending on your preferences and travel style. Here, at agood company, we offer various notebook types, and our eco-friendly notebook packs with free pens are currently on a great deal.

Here’s a basic list of travel journal supplies to consider:

  • Notebooks
  • Pens and pencils
  • Coloured pens
  • Glue sticks
  • Scissors
  • Stickers
  • Washi tape
  • Pocket-sized photo printer (for instant photo additions)
  • Envelopes or pockets (for mementoes)
Stone paper notebook
Natural grass pen

Our stone paper notebook and natural grass pen are an ideal fit for eco-conscious travellers. These sustainable options reduce your environmental impact for a more climate positive lifestyle, and also provide a durable and unique writing experience, making them perfect companions for documenting your adventures.

Step-by-step guide for keeping a travel diary

1. Personalise your notebook

Finding the perfect notebook is the first step in creating a travel journal that suits your needs. Consider the size, number of pages, and materials such as traditional paper or eco-friendly stone paper. A softcover pocket notebook is ideal for travellers who need to save space, while a larger hardcover notebook provides more room for detailed entries. Choose a pen that feels comfortable and collect any additional supplies like coloured pens, glue sticks, and stickers. Once you have your materials, personalise your notebook by adding your name and contact details.

When it comes to layouts, choosing between blank, lined, or squared pages can make a big difference. Lined pages are perfect for those who plan to write daily entries or lists, while blank pages are ideal for sketching and creative freedom. Squared pages offer a balance, suitable for both writing and drawing.

Stone paper travel diary

2. Before the trip: Start planning

Your travel journal can begin even before your trip does. Start planning by listing the activities, sights, and restaurants you want to visit. Write down your itinerary, important contact information, and any research you've done on how to get to specific places. This will help you stay organised and ensure you don't miss anything on your checklist. Consider noting your expectations and predictions about the trip, so you can compare them with your actual experiences later.

3. Make sure to add a short journal entry each day

Consistency is key when keeping a travel journal. Make brief daily entries to ensure you capture every moment. These can be in the form of lists, noting what you visited, ate, and who you met. Highlight what surprised you, what made you smile, and the standout moment of the day. Include sensory details like sounds, smells, and tastes to enrich your entries.

4. Get creative, and reflect deeper whenever you have time

Every few days, take time to write a deeper reflection. Describe your feelings, the vibe of the places you've visited, and how the trip is impacting you. Reflect on what you've learned, what you miss from home, and any changes you want to make. Use this space to write stories, poetry, or detailed descriptions of cities, nature, and wildlife.

5. Feel free to sketch and draw in your travel journal

When you have a moment to relax and take in your surroundings, try sketching or drawing. Capture the essence of a place, focusing on the elements that stand out to you. Your sketches don't have to be perfect; they're about expressing how a place makes you feel.

Sketch and draw in travel journal

6. Use your journal as a scrapbook

Your travel journal can also double as a scrapbook. Collect tickets, bills, pressed plants, and other memorabilia. If you have a portable printer, include photos in your journal, or add them when you return home.

7. Write down conversations and dialogues

Document memorable conversations and dialogues. Whether you meet new friends, learn something from locals, or have meaningful interactions with your travel companions, write down how these people influenced your experience.

8. Write a travel guide

Think about what you would recommend to friends visiting the same place. Write down tips, must-see sights, and experiences that shouldn't be missed. This will not only help others but also serve as a reminder for your future trips. Check out our guide to sustainable travel here.

9. Summarise your trip on your way back home

As your trip comes to an end, summarise your experiences. Reflect on what stood out the most, what you learned, and how the trip affected you. This will provide a sense of closure and a comprehensive overview of your journey.

10. Where do you want to go next?

Use the final pages of your travel journal to fantasise about future destinations. List new places you want to visit and what excites you about them. This will keep your wanderlust alive and give you something to look forward to.

Your next trip

Digital travel journals vs paper travel journals

There are numerous travel journal apps available these days, but we favour the charm of a traditional paper journal. Writing by hand allows my thoughts to flow more naturally, making the process both rewarding and creative. Plus, a paper journal feels more personal and you are more likely to revisit and cherish it in years to come.

For those who prefer a digital approach, there are a lot of intuitive apps that allow you to incorporate photos into your entries and even offer daily prompts if you need inspiration. Take a look at our list of the best travel apps for 2024 here.

While digital journaling has its perks, we recommend sticking with a traditional paper journal or diary for a more personal and nostalgic experience.

Conclusion, and what to do after the trip

Keeping a travel journal is a wonderful way to capture the essence of your journeys, preserving your memories, reflections, and discoveries. Whether you choose a traditional paper journal or a digital one, the key is to document your experiences in a way that feels authentic to you. After your trip, take some time to review and reflect on your entries. Organise any loose photos or memorabilia, and consider sharing your insights with friends and family.

Happy traveling

Most importantly, make this a habit for every trip you take. Each journal will become a unique keepsake that reflects your personal growth and the diverse experiences you've had. By consistently documenting your travels, you'll build a rich collection of memories and insights that you can revisit and cherish for years to come, and not only for traveling, if not already, you should consider starting a regular daily diary. If you need some help with it, take a look at our guide on how to start a diary in 10 steps. We wish you happy travels and happy journaling…

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