10 simple ways to conserve water

10 simple ways to conserve water

23 May 2019
7 mins
Clean water is a necessity for life and good health. For the lucky ones, who live in developed countries, getting clean water is as easy as turning on the tap. For other’s, things are more complicated, and in some corners of the world, getting clean water is almost impossible.

Regardless of where you live, clean water is a scarce resource and how to save water is an important question, as clean water takes a lot of resources to provide. If you want to save on natural resources it is, therefore a good idea to conserve water in any way you can. There are many simple ways to save water, that you may not even think about.

In this article, you will learn how to save water. Of course, conserving water is not a one-man job. Instead, it requires us all to do our small part and if we all do it together, it’s not a heavy burden.

Collect rainwater

Almost everywhere, there is free water, falling right out of the sky. In the countryside, most of it falls on the ground and contributes to growth. In urban areas, however, it usually runs out as wastewater.

If you own a house, you can start collecting rainwater coming off your roof today. The simplest way to do it is by redirecting the pipes leading the rainwater off your roof into big barrels.

What if you don’t own a house? Here’s how to save water if you live in an apartment: Put up a small plastic sheet on your balcony and let any rainwater collected run into a jug or used water container. It will not be a lot, but it will be more than nothing, and every drop counts.

In theory, you may be able to drink the collected rainwater, but we don’t recommend that. Instead, use it for watering your plants and garden during dry periods of the year.

Conserve rainwater

Throw out the bathtub!

Well, you don’t actually have to throw it out. Simply stop using it as a bathtub and take a shower in it, instead.

One of our best tips on how to save water is to skip the bath and take a shower instead. Each time you fill your bathtub you will use at least 150 liters of fresh water. You could easily shower for five minutes and consume just a third of that.

Use your washbasin

How to save water using your washbasin?

It has a plug. Next time you need to wash your hands, use it! You don’t need to have the water running while washing them. Instead, you could just fill up the basin with the water you need, wash your hands and then rinse under running water.

Shower less, or not at all

Don’t shower at all? Really?

Yes, really! It is perfectly doable to keep clean every day, without soaking yourself in water.

How? Use your washbasin and a washcloth.

Getting a nice hot shower in the morning is nice, but it is, in fact, the wiping off of the water that gets you clean, and you don’t need a shower for that.

This is how to save water, by skipping the shower:

Start with some soapy water and wipe yourself clean with a washcloth. Then change the water and use a new clean washcloth to rinse yourself of the soapy water. Finally, use a towel, as you would normally do.

You have just used two liters of water to wash, instead of 50. If you would use rainwater for this, so much the better.

Get a water-conserving toilet

It is a bit insane to use treated freshwater for flushing the toilet (More on that later.) but as this is unavoidable for many of us you can mitigate the insanity by getting a water-conserving toilet.

A modern toilet can easily get by on 4 liters for the big flush and 2 liters for the small and you can trim it to use even less. This is how to save water without even noticing.

Collect condensation from your AC

Got an AC? In that case, you have a free source of water, coming right out of it.

As your air conditioner cools off the air it will release condensation water, which is usually dripping out of a small tube or hose from the outdoor unit. This water is basically moisture from the air and it’s perfectly fine to use for watering plants.

Cut down on hot water

Granted, cutting down on hot water won’t really conserve water, but while we’re talking about water and conservation it would be silly not to mention.

You will save energy, which is also a limited resource and if you get electricity from hydropower, this is how to save water, only not exactly in your home.

Dig a well (and collect rainwater)

This is a bit of a bigger project, we admit, but if you’re redeveloping your garden or if you’re building a new house, it’s worth considering digging a well.

It will be perfect for collecting rainwater that you, and if you live in a rainy place you can use it for much more than just watering your garden.

If you build your well good enough and if your water is clean it may even serve as an emergency source for drinking water.

Use rainwater for flushing your toilets

This one is up there with digging a well, but using rainwater for flushing your toilets is something worth considering if you own a house.

It’s not done in a day but if you plan ahead for your next bigger renovation is makes perfect sense and it won’t be overly expensive, considering the overall cost of overhauling your bathrooms.

Of course, you will need a well for the water, but you already built that. Didn’t you?

Use natural building materials

You’re wondering how to save water when building a house? It may not be an everyday thing, but if you ever decide to build a house it is a great opportunity.

Our choices of building materials make a big difference in water consumption.

You may not think about it a lot, but the concrete that is so abundant in most cities is made using water. Lots of water!

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