Uiteindelijk is het de verantwoordelijkheid van de consument om greenwashing te vermijden.
Daarom hebben we dit groenwaswoordenboek gemaakt. Door onze lezers en klanten duidelijke definities en uitleg van belangrijke termen te geven, kunnen we hen helpen om greenwashing beter te herkennen en beter geïnformeerde beslissingen te nemen over de producten die ze kopen.
"agood dictionary" is een bron die is gemaakt door agood company om informatie te verstrekken over greenwashing en duurzame praktijken, en bevat alle woorden en zinnen die vaak worden gebruikt door agood company.
Dit helpt ervoor te zorgen dat onze klanten een duidelijk begrip hebben van de taal die we gebruiken. Door onze terminologie en praktijken toegankelijk en transparant te maken, willen we vertrouwen opbouwen bij onze klanten en een groter bewustzijn en actie voor een duurzamere toekomst stimuleren.
Nog steeds niet zeker wat is greenwashing?

1. Biologisch afbreekbaar
(/bɪjɔlɔɡɪsx/ /ʔavbrɛɛɡbaar/) / adjectief
Term uitleg:
[ Biologisch afbreekbaar verwijst naar materialen die kunnen worden afgebroken tot natuurlijke elementen door micro-organismen in het milieu, zoals bacteriën of schimmels, binnen een redelijke tijd, meestal binnen een paar jaar. Het is echter belangrijk op te merken dat niet alle biologisch afbreekbare materialen gelijk zijn wat betreft hun impact op het milieu. Hoewel ze uiteindelijk kunnen afbreken in natuurlijke elementen, kan dit proces veel tijd in beslag nemen en bijdragen aan bodemverontreiniging. Daarom is het essentieel om biologisch afbreekbare materialen op een verantwoorde manier te gebruiken en geen onnodig afval aan de bodem toe te voegen, aangezien er al veel van de natuur wordt gevraagd. ]
agood definitie:
[ Bij agood company zijn we ons bewust van de impact van onze producten op het milieu. Hoewel we erkennen dat alles technisch gezien na verloop van tijd biologisch afbreekbaar is, gebruiken we de term alleen waar dat nodig en gepast is. Onze producten met het label biologisch afbreekbaar zijn ontworpen om op natuurlijke wijze af te breken in het milieu zonder schadelijke reststoffen of vervuiling achter te laten. We geloven dat het onze verantwoordelijkheid is om ervoor te zorgen dat onze producten niet bijdragen aan de toch al overweldigende belasting van de natuur. Daarom denken we zorgvuldig na over de materialen en productieprocessen die we gebruiken om producten te maken die echt duurzaam zijn. ]
2. Koolstof neutraal
(/kɔɔlstɔf/ /nɛʔutraal/ ) / adjective
Term uitleg:
[ De term “koolstofneutraal” verwijst naar het bereiken van een evenwicht tussen de hoeveelheid koolstofdioxide die vrijkomt in de atmosfeer en de hoeveelheid die wordt verwijderd of gecompenseerd. Het betekent dat een bedrijf, organisatie of individu actie heeft ondernomen om zijn CO2-voetafdruk te verkleinen door de uitstoot zoveel mogelijk te verminderen en vervolgens de resterende uitstoot te compenseren door middel van CO2-reductieprojecten, zoals herbebossing of investeringen in hernieuwbare energiebronnen. Het doel is om een netto nul koolstofvoetafdruk te bereiken en niet bij te dragen aan de toename van broeikasgassen in de atmosfeer die leiden tot klimaatverandering. ]
agood definitie:
[ Als milieubewust bedrijf streven we ernaar om onze ecologische voetafdruk zo veel mogelijk te beperken, maar we begrijpen ook dat het niet altijd mogelijk is om alle uitstoot te elimineren. In deze gevallen streven we naar koolstofneutraliteit door de hoeveelheid koolstofuitstoot die we produceren te compenseren met een gelijkwaardige hoeveelheid koolstofcompensatie of -verwijdering. Dit betekent dat we actief investeren in projecten of initiatieven die de koolstofuitstoot verminderen of koolstof uit de atmosfeer verwijderen, zoals herbebossing, de ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie of koolstofvastleggingstechnologie. Op deze manier zorgen we ervoor dat onze activiteiten een netto nul impact hebben op het milieu en dragen we bij aan de strijd tegen klimaatverandering. We compenseren bijvoorbeeld de koolstofuitstoot die wordt gegenereerd door onze scheepvaart en logistiek door te investeren in geverifieerde koolstofcompensatieprojecten zoals we forest, en we gebruiken hernieuwbare energie om onze fabrieken van stroom te voorzien om onze koolstofvoetafdruk te minimaliseren. ]

3. Circulair
(ˈsɜː.kjə.lər) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ The term "circular" refers to an economic model that aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible by reducing waste and promoting sustainability. It involves designing products, processes, and systems in a way that enables materials to be reused, recycled, or repurposed instead of being disposed of as waste. The circular model aims to break the traditional linear approach of take-make-dispose and instead creates a closed loop system where products and materials are continuously cycled back into the economy. This approach helps to conserve natural resources, reduce carbon emissions, and promote a more sustainable and regenerative economy. ]
agood definition:
[ agood company uses the term circular to describe a regenerative and sustainable approach to designing and producing products. We strive to create products that can be reused, repaired, or repurposed at the end of their lifecycle, rather than ending up in landfills. We aim to keep materials in use for as long as possible through practices like closed-loop recycling like our agood loop program, where materials are recycled back into the same product, or open-loop recycling, where materials are recycled into a different product. Our circular mobile cases and circular clothing line are just a few examples of how we incorporate circular principles into our products. ]
4. Klimaatpositief
(ˈklaɪ.mət ˈpɒz.ə.tɪv) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ The term "climate positive" refers to the idea that a company or individual is actively taking actions to reduce their carbon footprint and also working to remove more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than they are emitting. In other words, they are making a net positive contribution to the fight against climate change. This can be achieved through a variety of measures such as investing in renewable energy, implementing energy-efficient practices, using carbon offsets, and engaging in regenerative agriculture or reforestation projects. The ultimate goal of being climate positive is to help mitigate the impacts of climate change and create a more sustainable future. ]
agood definition:
[ At our company, we are committed to being a leader in sustainable and climate-friendly practices. We use the term "climate positive" to describe products or processes that have a net positive impact on the environment and contribute to a healthier planet. To achieve this, we take a holistic approach to our operations and supply chain, working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. We invest in renewable energy sources and implement sustainable production processes to reduce waste and emissions throughout the entire product life cycle. For instance, our popular stone paper notebook is made without generating any pollution and without requiring water or bleach during the production process. The Stone Paper Factory that produces the paper also sources all its energy from solar panels, making it carbon-neutral. Additionally, for every product sold, we donate to agood foundation, to make sure we are also considering the social impact of our products. ]

5. Composteerbaar
(kɒmˈpɒs.tə.bəl) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ The term "compostable" refers to the ability of a material or product to break down into natural elements through composting, a process that turns organic waste into nutrient-rich soil. Compostable materials are typically made from renewable resources, such as plant-based materials, and are designed to be able to biodegrade without leaving behind any harmful residue. Composting is a sustainable way to manage waste, as it reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and produces a valuable resource for gardening and agriculture. ]
agood definition:
[ At agood company, we use the term "compostable'' to describe products that are designed to break down into natural, non-toxic components when they are disposed of in a composting environment. We only use materials that are certified compostable and meet strict standards for environmental impact, like bamboo in our bamboo toilet paper and bamboo cutlery This ensures that our products are not only safe and healthy for people to use, but also for the planet. Additionally, we provide clear guidance on the proper disposal of our compostable products to ensure they are composted in a way that is beneficial for the environment. ]
6. Eco-bewust
(ˈiːkəʊˌˈkɒn.ʃəs) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ The term "eco-conscious" refers to the state of being aware of the impact of one's actions on the environment and taking steps to reduce that impact. It involves making informed choices that promote sustainability, such as reducing energy consumption, conserving resources, and minimising waste. An eco-conscious person or company may prioritise environmentally-friendly products, practices, and policies in order to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. This can involve using renewable energy sources, choosing materials with a lower environmental impact, and implementing eco-friendly production and distribution processes. Ultimately, the goal of eco-consciousness is to live and work in a way that is sustainable and responsible, in order to create a better world for future generations. ]
agood definition:
[ As an eco-conscious company, we prioritise environmental sustainability and ethical practices in every aspect of our operations. We are committed to minimising our ecological footprint and preserving the planet's natural resources for future generations. We achieve this through our use of sustainable materials, eco-friendly production methods, and carbon-neutral shipping. Additionally, we actively seek out partnerships and collaborations with like-minded organisations and continuously strive to improve our practices and reduce waste. Our eco-conscious approach is reflected in our product offerings, including our circular mobile cases and circular clothing line, which are designed to minimise waste and promote circularity. ]
7. Eco-vriendelijk
(ˈiːkəʊˌfrɛndlɪ) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ While the term "eco-friendly" might seem like an impossible standard for a product to meet, it's important to understand the meaning behind the term. "Eco" is short for ecology, which is the branch of biology that deals with the relationships between organisms and their physical environment. "Friendly," on the other hand, means showing kindness and goodwill. In general, "eco-friendly" means that a product or service is designed to have minimal negative impact on the environment. This could mean that the product is made from sustainable materials, uses renewable energy sources, emits fewer pollutants, or is biodegradable. However, there are no strict guidelines or regulations for what constitutes "eco-friendly". ]
agood definition:
[ For agood company, being eco-friendly means making environmental sustainability a top priority. This includes using sustainable materials and production methods, minimising waste and emissions, and sourcing materials from responsible suppliers. We believe that it's our responsibility to minimise our impact on the environment and promote a more sustainable future. When we use the term "eco-friendly" to describe our products or practices, we strive to be transparent and clear about what we mean, and we avoid making vague or misleading claims that could be considered greenwashing. We believe that using accurate language that reflects our commitment to sustainability is essential, and we are constantly working to ensure that our communication with customers is honest and informative. ]
8. Milieuvriendelijk
(ɪn.vaɪ.rənˌmen.təl.i ˈfrend.li) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ Environmentally friendly refers to processes, products, and practices that are designed to minimise harm to ecosystems and the environment. It is a term used to describe goods, services, laws, guidelines, and policies that claim to have reduced or minimal negative impacts on the environment. However, it's important to note that "environmentally friendly" is not a regulated term, and its usage can vary across companies and industries. This ambiguity highlights the need for critical evaluation and scrutiny when assessing environmental claims. To truly be environmentally friendly, a product or practice should demonstrate a genuine commitment to sustainability, conservation, and responsible resource management, while actively striving to minimise pollution, conserve resources, and promote ecological balance. ]
agood definition:
[ While we acknowledge that the term "environmentally friendly" is not regulated and can be used ambiguously, we are committed to transparency and provide clear information about our efforts to minimise our environmental footprint. We believe in practising what we preach and are committed to creating products and adopting processes that have minimal negative impacts on the environment. When we use the term "environmentally friendly," we ensure that our products and practices align with sustainable principles, including resource conservation, waste reduction, and pollution prevention. Additionally, we carefully assess our entire supply chain to ensure ethical sourcing, fair labour practices, and adherence to environmental regulations. ]
9. Groen
(ɡriːn) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ The term "green" is often used to describe products that are marketed as environmentally friendly or sustainable. However, it's important to note that no product can truly be sustainable unless it minimises its impact on the environment and human health throughout its entire life cycle. Every stage of a product's life cycle, from creation to disposal, can have an impact on the environment. Therefore, it's essential to consider the entire environmental impact of a product, rather than just one aspect of it. ]
agood definition:
[ agood company takes a cautious approach when using the term "green". We only use it in reference to specific processes or components of our products that have been designed to minimise environmental impact throughout its cycle. Additionally, the term "green" may also be used when referring to the colour of certain products, like our grass green stone paper notebook or green bamboo toothbrush. By using the term "green" in a clear and specific way, we aim to promote transparency and ensure that customers have a clear understanding of the environmental impact of our products. ]

10. Natuurlijk
(ˈnætʃ.ər.əl) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ The term "natural" refers to something that is derived from nature or exists in its original state, without being significantly altered or processed. In the context of consumer products, "natural" often implies that the ingredients used are minimally processed and free from synthetic additives or chemicals. However, it's important to recognize that not all natural substances are safe or beneficial, and that the term "natural" can be subjective and open to interpretation. ]
agood definition:
[ agood company has a strict policy when it comes to using the term "natural". We only use it to refer to products whose main ingredients are sourced from natural materials such as plants or minerals, mainly raw materials, like in our natural grass pen. These materials are carefully selected for their sustainability and are harvested using environmentally responsible practices. Take bamboo as an example, the world’s fastest-growing plant, making it one of our favorite manufacturing materials. We ensure that our products are free from environmentally harmful ingredients, such as synthetic fragrances, parabens, phthalates, and sulfates. We are always transparent when it comes to our materials and their sources. ]

11. Geen plastic
(nəʊ ˈplæs.tɪk) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ The term "no-plastic" refers to products or practices that do not contain or use any form of plastic material. It signifies a commitment to reduce or eliminate the use of plastic in various forms such as packaging, containers, or components. Instead, alternative materials are utilised that are environmentally friendly, biodegradable, compostable, or reusable. The goal of being "no-plastic" is to minimise the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment, including issues like pollution, litter, and harm to wildlife. ]
agood definition:
[ At agood company, we are committed to minimising our plastic footprint and promoting sustainable alternatives. When we use the term "no-plastic," for our mobile cases we are referring to our dedication to offering products that are free from plastic materials instead we use plant-based material, linseed for our mobile cases to support a circular economy. From our packaging to our product components, we strive to find alternatives that are compostable, or reusable. We even designed a collection of mobile cases dedicated to no-plastic design. By adopting a "no-plastic" approach, we aim to reduce the environmental impact of our operations and contribute to a cleaner and greener future. ]
12. Organisch
(nɒnˈtɒk.sɪk) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ The term "organic" refers to the way agricultural products are grown and processed. Organic farming practices typically prohibit the use of synthetic pesticides and fertilisers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and irradiation. Instead, organic farmers rely on natural methods such as crop rotation, composting, and biological pest control to maintain soil fertility and manage pests. For products to be labelled as "organic", they must meet certain USDA standards. For example, products labelled as "100% organic" must contain only organic ingredients, while products labelled as "organic" must contain at least 95% organic ingredients. The remaining 5% of ingredients must come from a USDA-approved list of non-organic ingredients. In addition to agricultural products, the term "organic" can also refer to other products that are made with organic ingredients, such as cosmetics or clothing. ]
agood definition:
[ As a company committed to sustainability, we take the term "organic" very seriously. We only use this term when referring to products that are certified organic by recognized certifying bodies. For example, we use the term organic to describe the organic cotton we use to produce our clothing items. Our organic clothing line is made with ingredients that are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilisers. We are also careful to ensure that our products are processed and packaged in a way that maintains their organic integrity. When we use the term "organic", we want our customers to know that they are getting a product that is not only better for the environment but also healthier for them. ]

13. Op plantaardige basis
(ˈplɑːntˌbeɪst) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ Plant-based products are made primarily or exclusively from materials derived from plants or other renewable sources. This can include materials such as bamboo, cornstarch, or bioplastics made from plant-based materials like sugarcane, linseed/flaxseed or cassava. These materials are often used as any alternative to traditional plastic, which is made from non-renewable fossil fuels and can take hundreds of years to decompose. Plant-based materials are generally biodegradable and compostable, meaning they can break down naturally and safely without leaving harmful waste behind. ]
agood definition:
[ At agood, we use the term "plant-based" to describe products that are made primarily from renewable plant sources, rather than non-renewable fossil fuels or other materials that may be harmful to the environment. Our plant-based products, such as our circular mobile cases, are made from materials like linseed and flax that can be renewed into a new case at the end of the cycle through agood loop. By using plant-based materials, we can reduce our reliance on non-renewable resources and minimise our impact on the planet. Plus, these materials often have a lower carbon footprint and are biodegradable or compostable, making them a more eco-conscious choice for consumers. ]

14. Recyclebaar
(ˌriːˈsaɪ.klə.bəl) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ Recyclable is a term used to describe a product or material that can be processed and used again to create a new product. In other words, it refers to the ability of a material or product to be transformed into a new usable form instead of being discarded as waste. The process of recycling involves collecting, processing, and transforming materials or products into new raw materials that can be used to manufacture new products. Recyclable products can help reduce the amount of waste generated and conserve natural resources. ]
agood definition:
[ At our company, we use the term "recyclable" to refer to materials that can be reused or reprocessed into new products after their initial use. We are committed to using recyclable materials in our products and packaging wherever possible, and we encourage our customers to properly recycle our products once they are no longer needed. By prioritising the use of recyclable materials, we aim to reduce waste and minimise our impact on the environment. We also work closely with our suppliers to ensure that the materials we use are responsibly sourced and meet our high standards for quality and sustainability. ]
15. Hernieuwbaar
(rɪˈnjuː.ə.bəl) / adjective
Term explanation:
[ Renewable refers to a natural resource or energy source that can be replenished over time, either through natural processes or human intervention. Renewable resources include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass, among others. These resources are considered sustainable because they can be used indefinitely without depleting the Earth's natural resources. Additionally, renewable energy sources generally produce little to no greenhouse gas emissions, making them an environmentally friendly alternative to non-renewable energy sources like fossil fuels. ]
agood definition:
[ agood company prioritises the use of renewable resources in its operations and products. We define renewable resources as those that can be replenished naturally within a relatively short time frame, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal energy. By using renewable resources in our factories, we aim to reduce our reliance on finite resources and minimise our impact on the environment. For example, we power our manufacturing facilities with 100% renewable energy sources, and we source materials for our products from suppliers who prioritise renewable resources in their operations. ]
16. Duurzaamheid
(səˌsteɪ.nəˈbɪl.ə.ti) / noun
Term explanation:
[ Sustainability is a term that refers to the ability of a system or process to meet the current and future needs of society without compromising the health of the natural environment. In order to be sustainable, a process or product must balance its capacity to meet human needs with its ability to maintain this capacity over time, without causing negative impacts on the environment. This is a crucial consideration, as it ensures that resources are used in a responsible and efficient manner, and that future generations will have access to the same resources. ]
agood definition:
[ As a B-corp, we at agood company only use the term "sustainable" when referring to specific processes or components that meet our strict standards for environmental sustainability and social responsibility.
One helpful memory trick for understanding sustainability is to think about the three "E's" - Environmental protection, social Equality, and Economic growth. These three pillars are recognized by the United Nations as the main components of sustainable development. ]
17. Upcycling
(ˈʌpˌsaɪ.klɪŋ) / noun
Term explanation:
[ Upcycling is the process of transforming waste materials or unwanted products into new, useful, and often higher-value items. Unlike recycling, which breaks down materials into their raw form for manufacturing, upcycling involves creatively repurposing or reimagining existing materials to give them a new life and purpose. It is a sustainable approach that reduces waste, conserves resources, and minimises the need for new production. Upcycling encourages innovation, creativity, and the exploration of alternative uses for materials that would otherwise end up in landfills. It is a way to breathe new life into discarded items and contribute to a more circular and sustainable economy. ]
agood definition:
[ At agood company, we embrace the power of upcycling in creating meaningful and sustainable products. We use this term for our Humanium metal pen which is a perfect example of our commitment to upcycling. By utilising Humanium metal sourced from upcycled weapons, we give new purpose to materials that were once associated with harm and destruction. Through our upcycling efforts, we transform these reclaimed resources into unique and responsibly crafted writing instruments. ]
18. Zero waste
(ˌzɪə.rəʊ ˈweɪst) / noun
Term explanation:
[ The term "zero waste" refers to the philosophy and practice of minimising waste in all aspects of life, from production and consumption to disposal. According to Zero Waste International Alliance ZWIA:
“Zero Waste: The conservation of all resources by means of responsible production, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.”
The goal of zero waste is to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators by maximising recycling, composting, and other sustainable waste management practices. This includes the design of products and packaging that can be reused, repaired, or recycled, as well as the reduction of single-use items and the adoption of circular economy models. The ultimate aim of zero waste is to create a closed-loop system in which waste is seen as a resource, rather than a burden and is reused and repurposed in a continuous cycle. ]
agood definition:
[ The term "zero waste" is often used loosely, but our company adheres to the internationally recognized definition by the Zero Waste International Alliance (ZWIA). We strive to achieve zero waste in our operations by minimising waste generation, reusing materials, and recycling or composting all of our discards. This means we strive to create products such as our circular mobile cases and circular clothing line that are designed to last and can be recycled into a new product through agood loop and we avoid using any unnecessary packaging. We believe in the importance of a circular economy that conserves resources and protects the planet for future generations. ]